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Point/Counterpoint: Baseball is a Sport vs. Yeah, Okay There

Baseball is a Sport

The International Olympic Committee has recognized baseball for nearly 100 years. It is a pastime of the United States and generally regarded as “American as apple pie”. The sport is also immensely popular on the other side of the world in Japan.

Baseball has a ball as well as grossly overpaid professional human beings, staples of any sport worth its salt. Parents have been drunkenly pitting their children against each other, pretending to watch ESPN while eating chicken wings, and rioting in the name of their favourite teams for years thanks to baseball.

Yeah, Okay There

Baseball was voted out of the Olympics in 2008, but proposed a return in 2016. It was voted out for the 2016 games and proposed to return in 2020 ad infinitum.

Roughly 1% of the players during 1% of the duration of the game show any signs of physical exertion. Buying, eating, and digesting a hotdog takes more energy per capita than it takes to play baseball. During a Blue Jays record 16 inning game the fans were more exhausted than the players. If an outfielder catches a ball it’s boring, and if he fumbles a ball it’s unacceptable. Baseball is not a sport, it’s a joke.