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UTSU Promises to Increase Transparency

The UTSU proudly promises to enact a number of measures to increase transparency to cap off the 2014-2015 school year. Most notably, large, single-pane glass windows will be replacing the leaded glass of the student union building at Hart House Circle.

Your lovely UTSU officials have many other ideas to further the transparency agenda as well, such as handing out plastic rain ponchos and switching from powerpoint to slide projections for all of their presentations. The hope is that these measures will make the organization more approachable and the students more comfortable.

“As you know, the UTSU is always open to feedback from our student body,” said Vice President Marketing Calahan Mickey. “This is exactly what you want, right?”

Other plans have been set in place for later in the summer, but they are as yet unconfirmed. There is talk that the UTSU might instigate a “clothing optional” dress code for the warmer months. Nothing says an open student body like your student leaders walking around with their pants down.