The University of Toronto has been foregoing annual updates since its alpha version in 1827. Recently, the university launched beta 1.8.9, a release that most notably included the removal of several notable professors and the addition of 2T0s. Unfortunately, this update came with an unprecedented number of bugs.
Last Thursday, a CIV100 professor was seen lagging throughout his lecture. “He just kept repeating phrases like ‘is simple, yes?’ and ‘you can’t push on a rope,’” one student told the Toike Oike. “We didn’t know how to react in that moment.” Students are concerned that this bug may prevent lectures from moving forward. However, Dynamics professors are confident that they can help get the ball rolling again.
In addition, beta 1.8.9 has increased the severity of several pre-existing glitches. A common graphical glitch seen around campus is the sudden appearance of seemingly unmanned blue hard hats floating around campus. There has also been a surge in students walking through walls and appearing in several restricted areas of the university. The developers have promised “your tuition’s worth” in new features in the next update such as exam filters, but have made no comments about whether they will correct extant bugs.
In response to the new glitches, administration at the University of Toronto stated that “at least there are fewer problems than Blackboard.” The university plans to release a patch to fix these bugs by the end of the week, but for now we’ll have to live with a few issues.