As society changes rapidly, so does its need to have PC as an everyday part of our lives.
Video games have come under fire for not being PC enough. This is a legitimate concern and will have to be addressed by game developers sooner rather than later if they want to stay relevant and maintain inclusivity amongst gaming communities. It’s no longer tolerable that games are not compatible with the average user, and their content does not reflect their ever-changing needs. Game developers need to be accessible and incorporate equity into their mandate, ensuring that no one feels marginalized or left out.
“It’s important for the new generation of gamers and the diverse demographic that new games are PC,” said U of T computer science student Kevyn Wigner. “We all have different backgrounds we bring to the gaming community and developers must have our best interests in mind when creating games and marketing them.”
Games have come a long way and have worked to incorporate a more PC-friendly culture in recent years, but there is still a lot of progress to be made. “It’s a $1.8 trillion-dollar industry,” added Wigner. “You’d think they’d could funnel some resources in to create more PC games.”